The Original Avoca

Did you know that there was another Avoca? Before the house we know and love today was ever built, there was another Avoca which was built on the land where the current house sits. This was the first house built by the Fauntleroy family, and unfortunately it was destroyed by fire in the year 1900. The Fauntleroy family only enjoyed this house for a short time before its untimely end, and before several months ago it was believed that no photos of this Avoca existed. A chance discovery in a dark corner of the attic uncovered the photograph seen below. This photograph is of the Avoca which burned down in 1900, and it is the only known photograph which exists of the structure. Not only does this photo show the house, but it also provides invaluable knowledge on the different structures which once existed on the property. What do you think these buildings were used for?


History of Avoca's Unique Features


New Harmony, Indiana