Love history?

Help us preserve it!

Please consider giving to Avoca Museum, a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization. 100% of the contributions you make will stay with the museum and make it possible for the Altavista area to have this wonderful community resource. Donations are tax deductible and gifts made before the end of the year are deductible on your taxes.

Your gift entitles you to museum membership. In a time where many small museums are closing their doors, Avoca is expanding and thriving. This museum could not remain viable without the support of its loyal members.

Your support of Avoca provides you, our valued member, with several excellent benefits. Among these are free admission throughout the year, 10% discounts on site rentals and Gift Shop merchandise and invitations to special members-only events such as the Members’ Picnic and Members’ Christmas Party. Donations to Avoca Museum are tax-deductible as the museum is a 501( c )(3) entity.


Special thanks…

Avoca Museum would like to thank our generous annual sponsors!